How do I book with Glory?
-Check for open book dates, flash events, and available flash
-Fill out this form and submit it
-Glory does not accept direct DM or email as a booking request. You must submit a form
-Remain patient. Sorting through forms, sketching, and booking dates can take weeks
-You will be contacted regarding your request regardless of acceptance status
-The denial of any request in no way reflects the merits of your design choices. All artists have certain preferences, skill sets and capabilities within their medium, as well as time constraints that may limit ones ability to say yes to every request
What about deposits?
-All deposits are due at the time of booking to reserve your time slot
-Glory charges a one time, non-refundable deposit of $100 for custom designs $50 of which will be credited toward the total cost of your session/design (or final session if multiple sessions are booked)
-A one time, non-refundable deposit of $50 for flash of which $25 will be credited toward the total cost will be due at time of booking to reserve your time slot
-Your deposit will be forfeit in the event of a no-call, no-show
-Your deposit from a no-call, no-show does not roll over to cover the cost of a new booking deposit and you will be charged a one time additional fee of $50 to reschedule with Glory
-48 hours notice must be given when cancelling an appointment so that your time slot may be offered to another
-Please try to allow at least 12 hours notice when cancelling due to unexpected injury, illness, or emergency
-Your deposit will be saved and credited toward your next appointment and you will not have to pay another deposit to reschedule (your deposit will not be refunded. all deposits are non-refundable)
-All no call, no show deposits are forfeit and a one time rescheduling fee of $50 will be due in addition to standard deposit fee to reschedule with Glory
Payments and sliding scale?
-Cash Only
-Trades Accepted
What happened to BIPOC slots?
-BIPOC slots have been reorganized to prioritize Glory's personal connections (friends, family, etc.)
-There are multiple reputable local artists of privilege who can and do offer free monthly BIPOC slots
-To keep it short, Glory simply tattoos too many POC's for that practice to remain sustainable and/or financially possible however if the financial opportunity presents itself (i.e. grants, funding etc.) the offer can be revisited in the future.
-Presently, Glory's free BIPOC slots are permanently closed to the public
Free Color Test?
-Free color tests are available for folks who want to know how certain colors appear on or react to their skin
-You DO NOT need to be an established client or seeking a full tattoo appointment from Glory to receive a free color test
-No deposit is required for a free color test
-Available by appointment only
Full Color Tattoos?
-Glory does not offer full color tattoos as they are a blackwork artist
-Glory offers white highlights and white lines on black designs
-There are certain pre-drawn or flash designs with color accents or backgrounds in most cases the color choice is optional or removeable entirely
-Color accent suggestions available for custom or flash if that was worked out prior to your session
-Color work and full color available for custom designs or prints, again this EXCLUDES TATTOOS
Free Adhesive Bandage Test? (Saniderm, Derm Shield, Second Skin)
-Adhesive bandages are a protective layer or cover over your tattoo offered as an alternative to plastic wrap bandages
-The biggest advantage of this bandaging is that it seals the tattoos, protecting it from dirt and bacteria, and is lower maintenance for the first few days after your session
-Generally, adhesive bandages are left on your tattoo anywhere from 12hrs to 7days, depending on the brand
-Some people are allergic to or are sensitive to adhesives or certain brands of adhesive bandages
-Reactions can vary greatly from brand to brand
-An adhesive bandage test can be offered before or during your tattoo session to determine if a reaction to the bandaging is likely to occur during healing
Preferences and Considerations for Custom Requests?
-Glory is more likely to book designs based on mystical concepts, hybrid humanoid creatures, and designs reflective of nature, animals, botanicals, life and death, good and evil, light and dark, water and fire, elemental spirits, harmony of balance, macabre subject matter, etc.
-Glory loves heavy black outlines, stipple or pepper shading, and high contrast designs
-Large scale, multiple session pieces such as thigh and back pieces are highly preferential and are rarely turned away
-Glory does not tattoo other artists designs without signed, witten consent from that artist
-Absolutely no swastikas or other such symbols of hate will be accepted
-Glory does not tattoo designs or words in a language and/or belonging to a culture that is of no relation to their self or the client, the clients experiences, heritage, family, community or ancestry (if its cultural it should have *something** to do with you in some way don’t be bringing that mess up in here)
Request Replies and Responses?
-Replies can take up to and beyond 3 weeks to get through depending on the business of the season
-Approved requests will receive a response first
-Text and email responses will be faster
-Glory does not ever share personal or contact information like your number and email so beware of scammers
-The number used for booking requests is a businesss line and is available to established clients for questions or concers regarding their tattoo, upcoming session, cancellations/rescheduling, healing process, revising design ideas etc. it is NOT to be used in plae of the booking form. Any persons requesting a tattoo must first fill out the booking form and wait for a response
Preparing for My Appointment
-DO NOT arrive wearing perfume, cologne, or scented lotion you will be sent away and asked to reschedule
-Please do not arrive early! Glory will almost never be ready to receive you earlier than your scheduled time slot
-Please arrive masked per our covid policy. Clients can expect to remain masked throughout their appointment
-Be sure to check your email and messages for scheduling updates and location and accessibility information
-All in person services are CASH ONLY
-Please arrive at your appointment well rested, watered and fed
-Tattoos can be painful and pain can be labor intensive for the brain and body and can lead to a dip in BGL (sugar in the blood) this can leave you feeling light-headed and unsteady on your feet
-If you have scheduled a long session plan on bringing a snack or meal
-There will be small items and water available, however Glory is not aware of each individuals dietary needs/concerns
-Please be aware that alcohol and certain medications such as aspirin in the blood stream can act as a blood thinner or blood "slicker" and cause excess bleeding during tattooing
-It is not necessary for you to shave the proposed bodily location prior to your tattoo appointment as the area will have to be shave the area either way
-Please wear clothing that is comfortable and easy to move/remove from the part of your body we are tattooing, and will be non-constricting and non-abrasive to the tattooed area after your session
-Be aware that the clothes you bring may end up with permanent ink stains. Might be best to leave your favorite sweater from your favorite grandma at home
After My Appointment?
-Payment for your session will be due in full by the end of your appointment unless otherwise specified by previous arrangement or payment plan
-Cash only unless otherwise specified prior to your session
-You will receive after care instructions from Glory via oral explanaition and print-out
-Any questions about the healing process can be relayed to Glory directly either through email or text
-Touch-ups are free for 12 months after completion of your tattoo
-Booking request form process is still required for touch ups
-Touch-ups of another artists work are billed as cover-ups and are full price (standard sliding scale)
Covid and Unspecified Illness Policy?
-Masks are to be worn throughout your session
-If you are feeling unwell respect your body and the bodies of others by staying clean and staying home- you can always reschedule
-Please be proactive in informing Glory or the shop if you have had Covid symptoms in the last 7 days
-You may need provide a photo of your negative at-home Covid test if you are still symptomatic
-Temperature reading and hand sanitizer may be required upon entry into the studio
Accessibility Information?
-Glory's tattoo table is weight rated for a stationary load up to 1500 lbs. The shop also has a 33-inch wide padded chair that can support up to 600 lbs.
-Glory is a traveling and guest artist accessibility information will be made available to you prior to your appointment.
Tarot Readings?
-In person only
-Topics include: Love, Finances, Family, Oversoul Advice, Past-Present-Future, etc.
-Three card draw $5
-Six card draw $10
-Celtic Cross $15
-Extended sessions and clarifying cards billed at $5 every three cards
Full Tarot Disclosure?
-Glory does not and cannot predict the future
-A tarot reading is an offer of insight into ones own inner world, heart, desires, and needs this should not be misconstrued as a replacement for medical advice, therapy, community connection, or any other avenue for measurable human health and safety
-Glory does not do readings on persons or parties not present (Glory won't do a reading on your ex for you)
-Your reading is also yours to interperet as you perceive it
-Glory is not a psychic. Glory is a card reader
-Glory will not be reading your mind so the more details you can share about your query, the more percise your reading will be
-Tarot is primarily used for self examination and reflection. Your self may have a lot it wishes to say to you